Brand Personality


What is Brand Personality?

It’s what determines how you communicate with your client, how you project your values, and how you determine which aspects to emphasize while talking. From the one you want to exhibit to the one you want to impart in the future, the brand personality can be anything (if your brand is new).

What do you do to set your business apart from the competitors in terms of communication?

The attention of your ideal client will be drawn to your communication if it is imbued with personality.

Are you certain about your brand’s personality? Why is it important to define your brand’s personality?

  • It lets you to stand out from the crowd.
  • You’ll be able to frame your communication more effectively.
  • It allows you to segment your market more effectively.
  • It will play a significant role in your visual identity.
  • People will relate to you.

What is the best way to describe the personality of your brand?

By using brand archetypes to define who you are as a brand. This theory describes 12 models of personalities called archetypes, each with its peculiarities and differences. Taking this test you will understand how your brand is being perceived. In turn, you can define how you want it to be perceived and include elements of these archetypes in your communication to achieve it.

By being clear about your brand personality, whether you just know it with this test or reinforce it. You will be able to better direct your communication, both the visual Identity and the voice you give behind the messages. That is why it is important to be very clear about this aspect. Because it helps you define your colors (if you don’t have them yet), highlight your strengths if you still don’t see them clearly. It will be the first step towards clearer and more effective communication.

Remember: people connect with brands that have a clear personality.

That is why it is significant to be very clear about this aspect. Because it helps you define your colors (if you don’t have them yet), highlight your strengths if you still don’t see them clearly. It will be the first step towards clearer and more effective communication.

Remember: people connect with brands that have a clear personality.

But, exactly, what is an archetype?

The name “archetype” is derived from the Greek words archein, which means “original or old,” and typos, which means “pattern, model, or type.” It refers to the “original pattern” from which all other comparable people, objects, or ideas are developed.

Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, and psychologist, used the term “archetype” in his theory of the human psyche. He thought that archetypes (universal patterns and images) are stored in people’s collective unconscious.

His ideas not only influenced conventional psychology, but they also served as the foundation for ancient and modern works.

Branding all you need to know


The Ego Types

1. The Innocent

The innocent archetype’s goal is to be free, happy, to get to paradise. Their strategy is to do what is right, but their greatest fear is to be punished for doing something wrong, nevertheless, their talents are to uplift others, positive and faith. The innocent archetype is known for being romantic, mystic, traditionalist, utopian, dreamer, and naive

2. The Orphan/Regular Guy or Gal

The orphan/regular Guy or gal’s goal is to belong in the world, to connect with others, and they look for equality between man and woman. Their greatest fear is to stand out from the crowd or to be left out. They are down-to-earth; they like to join groups and communities and to fit in. Their talents are: empathy, honesty, pragmatic and realistic

3. The Hero

The hero archetype’s goal is to improve the world, to be strong, competent, and of course stand up for others. They are courageous and competent. Nevertheless, their weakness is arrogance. They are known as the superhero, rescuer, soldier, the winner, the warrior.

4. The Caregiver

The caregiver archetype’s goal is to help others, love their neighbors, and protect others, their greatest fears are ingratitude and selfishness. Their weakness is the inability to say no, and being exploited. They are known as the saint, the helper, the altruist, compassion, and generosity

The Soul Types

5. The Explorer

The explorer archetype goals are to experience a fulfilling life, to explore the world, to travel, escape from boredom and learn new things. Their biggest fears are conformity, getting trapped, and feeling emptiness. They are known as the wanderer, the seeker, the pilgrim

6. The Rebel

The Rebel archetype breaks every rule, and their goal is to make things differently, they are outrageous, and they are known as the revolutionary and the wild man.

7. The Lover

The lover archetype goal is to be around people, around relationships they love. Their greatest fears are to feel unloved, unwanted, and being alone. They want to seek harmony. They are known as the partner, the enthusiast, the friend, and the team builder.

8. The Creator

The creator archetype likes to realize a vision, to develop artistic skills, to express their own vision. They are perfectionists, but their talents are creativity and imagination. They are known as the artist, the musician, the inventor, and the dreamer.

The Self Types

9. The Jester

The jester archetype’s goal is to have a great time and live the present. They like to make jokes, be funny, and their greatest fear is to be bored or bore others. They are known as the trickster, the fool, and the comedian.

10. The Sage

The sage archetype’s goal is to seek truth, understand the world. Their talents are intelligence and wisdom. Their fear is being misled. They are known as the philosopher, the advisor, the expert, the mentor, and the researcher.

11. The Magician

The magician archetype likes to make dreams true, to understand the fundamental laws of the universe. Their strategy is to develop a vision, finding a win-win solution. They are known as the visionary, the catalyst, the charismatic leader, and the medicine man.

12. The Ruler

The ruler archetype’s goal is to create a successful community or family, their core desire is to have control. Their weakness are inability to delegate and be authoritarian. Their talent is leadership. They are known as the politician, role model, king, manager, and the boss.

Is it the same personality as yours or your team’s?

Not necessarily.

It is important when conducting the test and defining the communicational tone in digital media. Think of your brand as if it were a different person from you. How do you imagine your brand to be? Add your own personality traits. Just like there are people who dare to take risks or someone more calm and familiar, innocent or, on the contrary, imposing and wise, your brand does not have to be the same as you.

His personality may be more related to what you offer on his behalf and what your ideal follower would like to find in a friend

But, if you find her similar to you and it turns out that you are a personal brand, everything is fine! You only have to reformulate it or reinforce it with the result you obtain. When you do this exercise, you must take into account your strengths and what you really want to convey to everyone who comes to you.

It is important that you consider:

  • You can have more than one archetype, and you will only have to make a “mix” of those results.
  • No archetype is negative.
  • Not having this clear personality will make your communication confusing and uninteresting.
  • Personalities can evolve if they do so gradually and consistently.
  • It’s up to you to achieve differentiation and connection. Being the yellow chair among so many green chairs necessitates having a distinct personality and a cohesive story.

What can I do to make my clientele fall in love with me?

Have you ever encountered someone who doesn’t bother to communicate with you at all? A person without a distinct personality always appears to be lost and tries to enjoy where he is going. The same is true for social media profiles. Those that don’t send anything out are the ones who are most likely to go ignored.

Once you’ve figured out how to make your clients fall in love with your personality, the next step is to portray it. To accomplish so, you must make a strong connection between what you say and what you do. We move from the outside to the inside. If we take the case of how to present your brand’s personality in order to win over your ideal client. We’re going to discover: Colors that match the personality of the Instagram account have been defined. It conveys safety, innocence, enjoyment, or happiness… Or whatever you choose to call it based on your findings.

You can immediately tell who you’re chatting to when you log in to your account: young people, adults, women, or children. Your messages have a consistent tone because of your content. His biography represents his personality: it is straightforward, humorous, intimate, or formal. As soon as they arrive, it sends what it is doing.

The color of your images or color tones provides us a good sense of what we’ll get out of them.


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